Friday, December 16, 2011

Nintentroll Project

Hey guys! It's been a little bit, eh? I have been doing a lot of updates to my website, and not paying enough attention to sketching and posting my experimental work on here, so let's fix that!

A short while back, just for the fun of it, I wanted to try making some conceptual posters of various Nintendo characters with befitting "troll faces" (by-which I mean the memes, not the ugly old toys). It was mostly to brush up on my Illustrator skills, as well as cross-converting work from Illustrator to Photoshop.
So I did and here's the result:

Then after I'd finished those, my favorite one was definitely awesome face Link, so just for further experimentation and enjoyment, I made a Wind Waker themed splash featuring the aforementioned modified character (and a few others):

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Noral and the Ue Rune" pt.4 --

So, here at the 4th stage, much has changed. Eloh (the background character) has been taken out, as he was far too close to Noral and was cluttering up the composition. The background has completely been changed from the cliff-side to a series of columns. The closer feeling makes the composition more comfortable to me.

The next few iterations should see some finality (unless my revisionism takes hold again).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Noral and the Ue Rune" pt.3 --

Alright, after another sitting of painting, the lighting is now (very) roughed, and Noral has a fair bit of base shading detail. I threw in some foliage for background contrast, but that's not necessarily staying. We'll see.

Up next: More lighting detail and foreground refinement.

"Noral and the Ue Rune" pt.2 --

So, after a little bit of Photoshop work, I have a decent (and typically hideous) underpainting to go off of:

...So yeah, I hate underpaintings. They never look anything remotely like what you are ultimately aiming for, but they are necessary for grounding your color areas. Naturally most of the color here will change drastically in the next few stages.

Onward toward the color and lighting rough!

"Noral and the Ue Rune" pt.1 --

Fair day! In the following few posts I'm going to be documenting the progress of a concept piece called "Noral and the Ue Rune". I drew the sketch quite a while ago, but never got around to painting it, but I need another few portfolio pieces, so I figured now beats later. Let's see how this goes...

So this is the original scan of the drawing:
I'll be doing contrast and color correction on this image first, then start the flats/underpainting stage.

Let's do this!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello world!

Hello there. It is I: concept artist and game designer Ben Ray. I have needed an art blog for quite some time, so fantastic as it may seem, I started one! And this is it. As I'm sure was obvious. Haha. Any way, hopefully I will be posting some of my process work here in the near future, so keep a sharp eye!
