Friday, December 16, 2011

Nintentroll Project

Hey guys! It's been a little bit, eh? I have been doing a lot of updates to my website, and not paying enough attention to sketching and posting my experimental work on here, so let's fix that!

A short while back, just for the fun of it, I wanted to try making some conceptual posters of various Nintendo characters with befitting "troll faces" (by-which I mean the memes, not the ugly old toys). It was mostly to brush up on my Illustrator skills, as well as cross-converting work from Illustrator to Photoshop.
So I did and here's the result:

Then after I'd finished those, my favorite one was definitely awesome face Link, so just for further experimentation and enjoyment, I made a Wind Waker themed splash featuring the aforementioned modified character (and a few others):