Hey guys!
I've been spending the weekend (long distance....over the internet) with some of my fellow graduate friends participating in Global Game Jam! For those of you who may not know what that is, it's
THIS. A 48-hour event during-which small teams around the planet try to develop a fully functional video game, simulating the pressures and lack of sleep and food that manifest themselves during "crunch time" at a real studio.
So, I've been helping out my team with that. Mostly with music and sound effects, but some visual art along the way. As of this moment, the event is over and we failed miserably due to team members getting sick in the middle... Oh well, such is life. haha. We did get a lot of work done, and we plan on continuing the project and finishing it over time.
In the mean time, have a look at the new logo I designed for our little indie dev. company here: